Do Low-Mass Black Holes Really Exist?
2021 CIERA REU at Northwestern University

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My name is Ilia Qato and I'm a rising junior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign double-majoring in Physics and Astronomy while also minoring in Spanish. This summer I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Vicky Kalogera on low-mass black holes and the lower mass gap using the MESA stellar evolution code.

Contact info: iqato2 [at]


Black holes and neutron stars are among the most powerful phenomena in the universe. When these compact objects merge with other stars, matter falls from one component, the “donor” star, to the black hole or neutron star releasing gravitational potential energy in X-rays. The mass of a compact object plays a pivotal role in its detection and, in turn, our understanding of its formation process. We are particularly interested in low-mass black holes as their existence remains a mystery. Known as the lower mass gap, astronomers have noticed a discrepancy between theoretical models and observational data where the latter indicates a deficiency of compact objects whose mass lies between the maximum mass of a neutron star (∼ 2.5M⊙ ) and the minimum measured mass of a black hole (∼ 5M⊙ ) (Zevin et al., 2020). It’s worth noting that a black hole is generally known to emerge from a supernova explosion after a star’s death; nonetheless, our simulations show that low-mass black holes can also originate from heavy neutron stars that accrete mass from their donor stars during their evolutionary track. For this reason, scientists are even more perplexed by the existence of the lower mass gap.

This low-mass X-ray binary simulation depicts a compact object (left) accreting from a low-mass donor (right). Credit: Northwestern. Stellar simulation by Vicky Kalogera, Bart Willems and Francesca Valsecchi. Visualization by Matthew McCrory.

This paper investigates two potential explanations to the lower mass gap mystery. The first is that there is an observation bias against low-mass black holes, hence, we cannot detect events whose components lie within the gap. The alternative explanation is that low-mass black holes and heavy neutron stars do not form and that’s why we do not see them. To determine which answer is more plausible, we need to recall how we detect black holes in the first place. As mentioned above, a black hole’s mass is the key factor; however, to measure its mass, the X-ray binary system must be transient (Farr et al., 2011). Namely, the binary has to undergo many fluctuations in its luminosity for us to be able to observe it. For this to occur, the mass transfer rate in the system must be below a critical value, which we determine from theoretical models (Dubus et al., 1999). On the other hand, if the binary is not transient, the mass transfer rate surpasses the critical value causing the system to be obscured by constantly high luminosities; as a result, we are not able to see the low-mass black holes even if they formed (observation bias).

Methods & Results

We use POSYDON’s MESA stellar evolution code to simulate either originally formed low-mass black holes or heavy neutron star that eventually become low-mass black holes through mass accretion (accretion-induced collapse of heavy neutron stars). Then, we compare the MESA mass transfer sequences of these low-mass X-ray binaries to the theoretical critical mass transfer value. We obtain the latter from Equation (32) in Dubus et al., 1999. We plot the ratio of the MESA mass transfer values to the ones acquired from the equation above as a function of the binary’s age:

Fig.1 - Mass transfer ratio as a function of the binary’s age. The graph on the left depicts low-mass X-ray binaries whose component is a black hole with initial and final mass between 2.5M⊙ − 5M⊙ . The graph on the right shows low-mass X-ray binaries whose compact object started as a heavy neutron star (< 2.5M⊙ ), but ended up in the lower mass gap due to mass accretion from its low-mass donor.

It is evident that in both cases of binary evolution, most systems’ evolutionary tracks fall below unity, in other words, the MESA mass transfer rates are smaller than the theoretical critical value. This implies that the binaries are transient, therefore, we are able to detect the black holes. The data impels us to conclude that low-mass black holes and heavy neutron stars do not form via stellar collapse, otherwise we would be able to observe them.

What's Next?

Our data concurs with previously used methods and concludes that the lower mass gap is not due to observation bias but rather due to low-mass black holes and heavy neutron stars not forming in low-mass X-ray binaries. To increase our confidence about these results, our next step is to produce realistic, statistical population models for our Milky Way and test the probabilities of the binaries’ evolutionary tracks.


I want to thank Dr. Vicky Kalogera for her mentorship; Kyle Rocha for his computational help; the REU leaders and my cohorts for their valuable support; and the NSF for funding this summer experience. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. AST-1757792.