Isaac Rivera

Northwestern University

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I am a junior studying physics and computer science at Northwestern University. I am from Olmsted Falls, Ohio, a small suburb of Cleveland, and attended Olmsted Falls High School. My interest in science began in high school and has continued to grow as I’ve studied at Northwestern. The classes and fantastic research opportunities have given me the best resources possible to continue on my journey in science.
I began doing undergraduate research during my first year at Northwestern. I started working in Dr. Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano’s laboratory my freshman year, and worked through the entirety of my sophomore year. In his lab, we study dark matter and use cryogenic detectors that operate at temperatures as low as 4 mK.
Over the summer of 2018, I did research under Michael Zevin, Chase Kimball, Wen-fai Fong and Vicky Kalogera at Northwestern University. My research was funded by the Illinois Space Grant, and I worked as part of the REU group with 14 other students. You can find more about my specific project under the research tab.
Going forward, I expect to keep studying physics and computer science. I will continue to do research during my time as an undergraduate, and will be applying to graduate schools later on. I am currently unsure of my future plans after graduate school, but will definitely remain in science.