Kristopher Mortensen

Undergraduate Student
Northwestern University Department of Physics and Astronomy

Target of Opportunity Strategy
The Target of Opportunity Strategy (ToOs) is the method that LIGO and LSST will use to seek out kilonovae in the sky. The strategy is as follows:

1. LIGO will observe the sky for gravitational wave sources.
2. Once a source is detected, LIGO will map the sky and determine what type of merger the source is.
3. If it is an NS-NS or NS-BH merger, LIGO will inform LSST where in the sky the source is.
4. Once LSST receives word of a source, it will search through the mapped area and use its "discovery metric" to locate the kilonova.

This figure shows theoretical areas where LIGO mapped potential gravitational wave sources.
Credit: Kasliwal & Nissanke 2014

Do We Need LSST for Kilonova Discovery?

GW170817 was significantly brighter than theoretical expectations. If most kilonovae are similar to GW170817, then that raises a critical question: should LSST be used for LIGO follow-up? We simulate a large suite of kilonova models while tracking how long LSST could observe the event compared to two modern-day telescopes, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). We chose two types of kilonovae: one-component “red” kilonovae, which are theoretically expected to be more common, and two-component “blue” + “red” kilonovae, which are consistent with the characteristics of GW170817 (models adapted from Villar et al. 2017). The results of the simulations are below.

One-Component Kilonovae Two-Component Kilonovae
Light curves of the simulated kilonovae in LSST's six filters (u, g, r, i, z, & y). Within each filtered light curve (i.e., each 3x3 plot), each kilonova varies by the initial mass in the event mej (denoted by color), the velocity of the mass as it expands vej (denoted by the rows) and the distance at which the kilonova originates (denoted by columns).
Note: 1 Mpc ≈ 3x1019 km (2x1019 miles).

Under the optimistic assumption that most kilonovae match GW170817, we find that LSST ToOs will play a critical role in kilonova discovery. Ejecta mass is the primary factor controlling the kilonova luminosity. While the total ejecta mass for a typical merger remains an open question, gravitational wave astronomers predict that typical Advanced LIGO BNS detections in the LSST era (2022+) will be at a distance of 200–300 Mpc. Thus, for current facilities it will be difficult to detect kilonova emission. While ZTF or DECam could increase their exposure times, they cannot compete with the depth/areal coverage of LSST. Even with a 5 detector LIGO network, there will be several events with localization areas of several hundred degrees and LSST ToOs will play a critical role in discovering and understanding those events.

Discovery Metrics

Problems for LSST

While it may seem trivial to create a proper cadence for LSST to measure a portion of the sky, the problems increase when the telescope needs to discover a kilonova. Some of the issues are:

Therefore, our plan of action, or what will now be called our "discovery metric," for finding kilonovae must take into account all of these different variables. If we can simulate these variables and find a way to discover kilonovae at a high efficiency, then we will have a strategy that LSST should use.

Basic Discovery Metrics

To optimize the success rate of the LSST, we decided to concentrate on the kilonova's defining features: it's relatively cold explosions, and it's short visibility time. Since kilonovae are typically colder than other stellar explosions, they tend to have a "red" color (f-z > 0.5 where f is a filter other than the z-band). However, other theories suggest there are "blue" kilonovae (f-z < -0.5) also may exist, so we included blue kilonova in the 1-day discovery metric. Apart from color, the short visibility time means a large change in magnitude (Δm) in one of LSST's filters.

Using theoretical light curves from Tanaka and Hotokezaka (2013), we designed and simulated three discovery metrics (see table below) for various NS-NS and NS-BH mergers. Each discovery metric simulation has the following criteria:

We then created efficiency plots for how well LSST was able to discover kilonovae at different distances with these metrics. The histogram shows the efficiency of LSST at a particular distance and the data points shows the total number of kilonovae that LSST could have discovered.

1-Day Discovery Metric

NS-NS Efficiency Plot NS-BH Efficiency Plot

3-Day Discovery Metric

NS-NS Efficiency Plot NS-BH Efficiency Plot

7-Day Discovery Metric

NS-NS Efficiency Plot NS-BH Efficiency Plot