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My Pets ♥


Adequis is one of the most precious souls I've ever encountered. We understood each other well and he showed me the best of companionship--waiting for my arrival after school, playing with me in the snow, sleeping next to me every night... he was my best friend! To this day I open my iPhone locksreen to his portrait. I carry his dog tags on my keychain and a polaroid of him and I in my wallet. I receive visits from him in my dreams. I am sure I will cross paths with him again, in whatever form it may be.

My family got Adequis from the Wisconsin Humane Society in 2010 for my Dad's Birthday. We saw him in one of the many cages in the hallway along with his sister, Eve. His name was Adam. His sister wore a smooth, shiny, coffee-toned coat with a proud stance fit for the Westminster Competition. Yet as much as Eve looked the part, Adam (or Adequis) immediately enamored our family with his infinite charm. He never boasted the strongest gait or quick wit, but he always had his looks and he always had his personality.

That personality didn't change much over 11 years--he matured early on and adopted an onerous disposition in his old age, but he was always Adequis. He was incredibly well traveled for a pound dog, too. We walked all over Milwaukee, camped at Devil's Lake, and visited family (and a bunch of other pets) together in Minnesota and Madison. In his conquest through Milwaukee he became a celebrity on Brady Street, earning pizza slices and fries with his bright personality and looks. He was a blessing to all guests in our home's AirBnB and served as a playmate for any pets they brought. Everyone who knew Adequis loved him and I had the pleasure of being around him every day to document his imprint on those around him.

I documented almost every day I spent with him in our last 4-5 years together. In these photos anyone can see his natural beauty, excitement, and expertise in relaxation. For me though, seeing these photos remind me of his innocence, the comfort his warm body brought, his trust in me, and his friendship.


It's a privilege to know of Batman, it's an honor to get to know her grumpy but sweet little personality, and it feels heavenly to earn her trust. She's got a cold exterior, and will do whatever she wants whenever she wants (keen on forgetting she weighs as much as a shoe). But, as I found out throughout her recovery from a abcess surgery, she is soft and sweet on the inside. She was the subject of much of my Photography class in high school, and I continued documenting her in the past several years. So, whenever I'm not paying visits to her at my sister's house, I'll have a gallery of beautiful photographs to remind me of the sweetest kitty I ever met.

Batman--or "Beans" as she later became known as due to her stature--was an alley cat for the first couple months of her life, and it shows in her cold and selfish demeanor. My granddad brought her into his house and fed her occassionally, but since his house was a zoo for big stray dogs, he gave her to us instead. She must've weighed 4-5 lbs when we first had her in our house (she caught a tapeworm in her stray days which explains her exceptionally small frame), but since being exposed to the spoils of a housecat's life, she has grown to a mighty 7.7 lbs. Despite being presented with every luxury--a clean bowl of water, food made with all the proper nutrients a cat could ever need, and a loving family--she always seemed brooding and annoyed if you dared to be in her presence (It's my house beans?). To her credit, she was living in a busy household along with the beautiful but boisterous Adequis and the energetic Ricky Bobby (it's in the name). These brutal conditions limited her slumber time down to only 16 hours a day.

But this grumpy disposition she always seemed to have slowly faded once she developed an abcess and required surgery. In her compromised state both before and after surgery, she looked to someone for protection, guidance, and comfort. I provided these things as best as I could to my baby girl and she rewarded me by occasionally tolerating my presence in the same room as her. Really though, she would lay on me, follow me around, and stretch out over my homework to hog my attention. I was so touched to see this side of her and I could not take enough photos.

Ricky Bobby

Ricky Bobby is the most interesting cat in the world. Ricky transcends comparison, transcends description. He's enamored every visitor he's ever had, he commands the room with his gaze and confident stride; he oozes relaxation and softness, but is athletic and quick as he wishes; His soft eyes send you into a trance, yet he hunts live game in his spare time; he turns dog people into "Ricky people"; he is the most interesting cat in the world..

Batman--or "Beans" as she later became known as due to her stature--was an alley cat for the first couple months of her life, and it shows in her cold and selfish demeanor. My granddad brought her into his house and fed her occassionally, but since his house was a zoo for big stray dogs, he gave her to us instead. She must've weighed 4-5 lbs when we first had her in our house (she caught a tapeworm in her stray days which explains her exceptionally small frame), but since being exposed to the spoils of a housecat's life, she has grown to a mighty 7.7 lbs. Despite being presented with every luxury--a clean bowl of water, food made with all the proper nutrients a cat could ever need, and a loving family--she always seemed brooding and annoyed if you dared to be in her presence (It's my house beans?). To her credit, she was living in a busy household along with the beautiful but boisterous Adequis and the energetic Ricky Bobby (it's in the name). These brutal conditions limited her slumber time down to only 16 hours a day.

But this grumpy disposition she always seemed to have slowly faded once she developed an abcess and required surgery. In her compromised state both before and after surgery, she looked to someone for protection, guidance, and comfort. I provided these things as best as I could to my baby girl and she rewarded me by occasionally tolerating my presence in the same room as her. Really though, she would lay on me, follow me around, and stretch out over my homework to hog my attention. I was so touched to see this side of her and I could not take enough photos.