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My Love for Physics
Image Credit: Mizuuuuuuuu
My Love for Physics
Image Credit: benzoix


Note: I anticipate this page will be somewhat like a journal entry where I occasionally submit thoughts I have about physics. I took a couple physics classes as a high schooler, and though I never thought I would grow up to study physics, I found the ability to describe reality with equations fascinating. The mathematics which can be crafted with intuition and the intuition which spawns from mathematics appeared to me a divine dance between our minds and the reality we exist in. This regard in which I hold physics has only grown since I have learned about Quantum Physics, Relativity and more incredible phenomena, and now that I have begun my participation in research, I feel I have started down a path I can't and don't want to depart from!
Image Credit: The Kennedy Center

Why I Love Physics

Since starting on this path ~3 years ago, I've had dreams of physical phenomena--visions that can only be described with images and feelings. Some make sense, some don't at first. No matter what, instead of emphasizing the invalidity or lack of "proof" in each of them, I embrace them as rumors in my mind of what the universe is hiding.
Before I get too deep into thought, I should explain why I have obviously fabricated images in this page when I'm speaking of physics--a science most would say has little room for creative liberty. I believe in a deep connection between the human mind and the universe we exist in. I believe our mind only "has access" to certain elements from our true reality--we take these elements to be reality in four dimensional world. I also believe this is not an inescapable confinement. There are accounts of people having deep, unintuitive understanding of electromagnetism--why wouldn't it be possible to have such an understanding of other unintuitive features of physics undetectable to us, like quantum physics or like a multi-dimensional universe suggested by String Theory? In this way, I find that when the human mind embraces creative liberty--true inspiration--it can draw from this invisble world, and interpret its "findings" through art, which relies on the intangible and inexplicable for interpretation. The colors, intensity, depth, medium, stroke pattern--every artistic choice (which, as the son of an amazing artist, I know can not all be justified very well by the artist themselves) communicates a feeling, an idea, a vibe--if we're lucky, we can understand this upon viewing the piece and peek into the artist's vision.
Image Credit: Quanta Magazine
Image Credit: Arina Zinovyeva

My Love For Physics

I feel that the communication between art and science is similar to that between math and reality. In the past, mathematical "guesses" (think, deBroglie's wavelength equation, Heisenberg's probabilistic interpretation of the wave function, Einstein's equality of intertial and gravitational mass) have revealed deep truths which can be used to explain a range of phenomena we can observe. It's like a mathematical brush stroke! Fitting different equations or axioms into different problems, just like an artist experimenting with colors and media. This connection is apparent in the visualizations created using math (usually differential equations), that despite originating from "rigid" math equations, can create enchanting art. This is a field I look to discover further.
I have many more thoughts on this and on the connection between humans, our physical description of our reality, and the true nature of reality. From determinism, to many-worlds theories, to multi-dimensional realities, to the complexities of biology, and more. I am limited in time as I make this website, and thus haven't included all those thoughts. However, I am excited to share some of them, so I will continue updating the website over time and refine my current thoughts. Please reach out to me at 20sebastianbanaszak@gmail.com if you have anything to say about these thoughts!

Image Credit: Wombo Dream AI
Background Image Credit: James Webb Space Telescope