Current Results and Conclusions


The model of the subluminal laser was tested against the results of Zhou et al. 2016 in order to determine its reliability. We found that the density matrix elements and the real and imaginary susceptibilities of the cavity qualitatively matched expectation. Further testing and parameter tuning is necessary to determine if they match quantiative expectations as well. We found that for a Raman pump detuning of \(2 \pi \cdot 1.6 \cdot 10^9\) rad/s, the SSF of the laser is ~3 which doesn't match expectation.


We began the creation of an algorithm that models a subluminal laser , and found a preliminary SSF of ~3 which is lower than expectation. We are currently tweaking our code to find a more accurate SSF. In the future, we plan to determine the variance of the SSF on the Raman pump detuning. This will allow us to choose the ideal parameters for creating a subluminal laser with the highest SSF, and therefore, the greatest sensitivity to UDM fields. While we aim to use subluminal lasers for DM detection, they can be used for other astronomical applications such as gravitational wave detection as well as in any industrial or scientific project that requires a highly stable laser. Consequently, modeling and finding the best parameters of subluminal lasers is a generally beneficial endeavor.


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